It was an absolutely wonderful few hours at Victoria Mall today. David must be commended for an amazing job with getting everything organised, he really went above and beyond it getting it up and running and running smoothly, so thank you very much David!!!!!
It was great to meet so many people, many of whom expressed the view that we are really getting places and are starting to believe that a high school in Coburg will be a reality!!!! This shows a tremendous attitudinal shift and I think is a direct reflection of the awareness and education campaigns we have been running continuously since late last year.
We managed to collect 128 signatures today, this was a phenomenal effort particularly given we needed to multi-skill and cook and serve sausages, take orders, collect money and distribute flyers etc in addition to collecting said signatures. This of course takes us well over the 1,000 families mark and I also gave out petitions to those who requested them to disseminate in their
It was good to see so many familiar faces, good work Coburg West crew in getting a notice into your newsletter to let your school community know that the event was happening. Dianne the t-shirts are superb and I for one was extremely proud to don mine. I think you are definitely onto a winner with these and I can't wait to get one for my kids. Peter you are a superstar, given how heavy your cold is it was a nothing short of miraculous that you put in whole day's worth of hard yakka, we really appreciate it. Catey as always you were wonderful and really got the word out so a heartfelt thanks for all your efforts. And Denis your BBQing was just great, so consistent and talk about productivity. Now I am sure I have canvassed everyone and their amazing output today, this was a great idea and thank you!