High School for Coburg (HSC) are a group of parents who formed to lobby the government to open a secondary school in the Coburg area that can cater for all children completing primary school.
Primary schools around Coburg
Secondary Schools around Coburg
The red icons represent Secondary Schools servicing the Coburg area
Darker icons are “restricted entry” schools.
Why do we need a new school now?
Coburg and surrounding areas, including North, East and West Coburg, West Preston, Pascoe Vale and Pascoe Vale South, is a “Big Black Hole” for secondary schooling:
- there are 22 primary schools in the area, but not one open-entry Secondary School,
- children graduating from primary schools are being split up as the go into many different secondary schools,
- children are being forced to travel long distances to go to secondary schools out of the area,
- families are moving away from the Coburg area to access secondary school for their children,
- the Moreland Community Survey showed “lack of schools” was number 5 of the top 10 issues,
- all the government and planning statistics confirm that there is huge growth in the number of children in our area and the rate of increase is expected to rise,
- the “Coburg 2020” plan says there will be 3000 new homes in the area (not counting Kodak and Pentridge developments),
- Coburg and Pentridge developments are bringing many new families to the area,
- there has been a 20% increase in birthrate across the city of Moreland.
Our Charter
- We are concerned parents, grandparents and residents who wish to address the issue of secondary school options for our children in Coburg and the surrounding areas.
- We represent the local community of Coburg and surrounding areas.
- We are committed to fostering and maintaining links within our diverse community.
- We are NOT affiliated with ANY political party.
- We aim to actively engage in a campaign that will determine the need for a local secondary school within the inner north.
- We aim to monitor the progress of a process that will involve the Department of Education, State Government, local Council and interested parties.
- We aim to establish and influence the direction and philosophy of the proposed state secondary school to ensure its success.
- We will work with other schools to ensure the community’s needs are met in a co-operative manner with regards to secondary school education for local students.
- We do not condone and will not engage in behaviour that is insulting or personally attacks any member of the community.