Dear Krys and Peter,
Thank you again for your time and attention at the meeting with Christine Campbell MP, Moreland council, Coburg primary and HSC.
I am writing on behalf of HSC to formally request the release of the following documents to HSC .
1) Provision Plan for the Coburg community ( As referred to in Bronwyn Pike MP's letter 26 May 2009, scanned copy available if necessary)
2) Enrolment data for Coburg SLA primary schools, West Preston schools-namely Bell, Newlands and Preston West and Brunswick East primary.
3) Exit data from the same schools showing which high schools the year 6 students have gone to.
4) When completed, the postcode analysis of the schools above which we thank you for agreeing to undertake .
At an earlier meeting with HSC you stated that the onus is on HSC to make the case for a high school for Coburg and as such we require access to the above data.
Information HSC have recently obtained and are able to offer the department in order to assist you in determining local community educational needs includes:
We respectfully ask that you please reply within a week acknowledging receipt of this request and that the data above (excluding the post code analysis) be made available by the end of October .
- Catholic primary enrolment data and exit figures for Catholic grade 6 entering state high schools in 2009 West Preston population data.
- Once released -The HSC survey including comprehensive verbatim responses from parents representing 556 children .
Kind Regards
Cate Hall
On the same day we received this reply
Hi Cate
Due to current urgent projects currently being undertaken at the regional and school levels we are not able to provide information to meet your requested timelines.
Will provide when time permits
Peter Enright
On 15 October 2009, we responded as follows...
Hi Peter
Thanks for your quick reply.
I do understand that you must be very busy with the with the re-branding ,stimulus spending etc etc.
In the meantime could we please have the data that is easily accessable and emailable?
By this I mean:
Exit data showing which high schools year 6 are going to in 2010 for Coburg SLA, West Preston and Brunswick East. Krys said this data would be ready for the HSC/dept. meeting 17 Aug but we didn't get around to discussing it as the main topics ended up being enrolments and population data.
Primary school enrolment data and projections for Coburg SLA plus West Preston and Brunswick East. These I presume are also easy to email as they appeared to be on a printout at our last two meetings
You may not have this data for the Bell and Preston West primaries yet but you do have the other West Preston school -Newlands.
So we will gladly take what you have at this stage.
Thanks again.
Cate Hall