At the HSC Q & A night, a survey was launched to establish parental attitudes and intentions regarding current secondary education options available to the greater Coburg community (including Coburg and West Preston).
The survey was availble to complete at the Q & A night and then online. In total, 265 surveys were returned, covering 535 school age children. While the survey is by no means exhaustive, the main results are so strong that HSC believe it serves as an indicator of parental attitudes and highlights the very difficult choices that parents in Coburg and West Preston need to make regarding their childrens secondary education.
Click through below to read, download or email this survey.
High School for Coburg Survey Report October 2009
At the end of the survey, you can read what parents wrote in response to the open ended questions, giving a real insight into what people are thinking.
What are your thoughts?
Where will your children go to high school?