HSC has received a strong and positive letter from Moreland Mayor, Cr Stella Kariofyllidis in response to our Victorian Budget Submission. She congratulates us on our work and notes that we make a "very strong case for the introduction of a year 7 intake at the Coburg Senior High School in 2012 " and asks that we advise council of the response we receive from State Government and keep council informed of our ongoing advocacy in relation to this important issue.
HSC thank Moreland Council for this positive response and note that, to date, the only response we have had from State Government about the budget submission is to say it has been passed on from Treasury to the Minister for Education Hon Bronwyn Pike MP. This is disappointing as we see this issue providing the perfect opportunity for an innovative Whole of Government approach - given that it impacts on Planning, Community, Education, Economy and Environment.
We also received some Moreland Council "front line" feedback. A person working the front desk at council said "High School for Coburg is the biggest issue around"