A high school for Coburg, at last!

On Tuesday 17/07/12 at 1.30, Cate got a call from The Age asking if we were celebrating yet? The journalist revealed the exciting news that the Minister for Education, Martin Dixon was about to announce the decision to expand Coburg Senior High School to include years 7 -12 in 2015. An hour or so later Cate got a call from the DEECD who confirmed this great news including a process of community consultation. So on Wednesday morning I got up early to read this article in The AgeCampaigners win fight: Coburg will have a high school. Tears streamed down my face. My seven year old daughter came and told me how great she thought it was that she'd be able to go to high school with her friends from primary school. The Moreland Leader quickly followed The Age with Community welcomes Coburg high school expansion .

Wednesday was certainly a day for celebration and amidst all the busyness, Cate posted this on our Facebook page which certainly sums it all up.
Thank you to Education Minister Martin Dixon for this excellent decision. You can read the minister's press release here. Thank you also to those at the DEECD who worked on this for a long time. We congratulate the minister for keeping the politics out of school provision - for seeing the need and responding accordingly.
The overwhelming response from all sectors of the community and parents tears of joy and relief flowing in primary school communities from Preston to Pascoe Vale vindicate the hard work by all! People now have some certainty that they can stay in this community and their children will have the option of active travel to a local school with their friends!
Thank you to all of you for your congratulatory messages and your crucial support over the the last four years!
Everything has changed! It suddenly feels like there will be a beating heart at the centre of our community.
Roll on the family-school-community partnership!!!
This incredible community, including parents, council, schools, businesses and organisations along with the wonderful teaching already occuring at the Senior High will build something very special - an education hub which will be a core part of our community!
Long live Coburg High!!
We are holding a celebration of the announcement of a 7-12 high school for Coburg on Sun 29 July, from 2-4pm. The Post Office Hotel, Sydney Rd Coburg have kindly given HSC the use of the old dining room. You may like to have a Sunday roast before hand or food can be ordered at the bar and taken into the room. Link to the Facebook event page here.
Thank you for your support and we hope to see you there!

hsc campign