Post May 15 tour survey

There is a section of the Coburg Senior High School website dedicated to the junior intake from 2015. On the right hand side you can complete a survey. It is aimed at those who completed the May 15 tour but we have had confirmation that anyone can complete the survey. The survey will be up for another week and there are lots of open ended questions which allow you to have your say. HSC encourage parents and prospective students to be part of this dialogue.

The survey also asks parents for expressions of interest regarding participation in various focus groups in the following areas:
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Facilities
  • Uniform
  • Thinking Curriculum
  • Community Building
  • Sustainability and Environment
  • Technology
  • Other
Participation in a focus group would be another great way to have input into the community consultation process. You can complete the survey and nominate to participate in a focus group here.

A workplace of learning for the connected generation

by Janet Grigg

Last Wednesday, there were two tours of Coburg Senior HighSchool (CSHS) for parents of/and students commencing Year 7 from 2015. Both tours were very well attended with about 70 at the 10.00am presentation and over 100 adults and 40 or so children at the 6.00 pm tour. Over 150 parents on a cold rainy day! This should dispel any doubt that there is massive pent up demand for a local Year 7 option!

From the start it was clear that at CSHS, learning is student centred, that teachers get to know their students, and that at CSHS they really love learning. It was also abundantly clear from Don Collins’ manner and words that they actually really like the students too. There was a warmth there that I didn't expect but was very pleased to see.

Here’s a sample of what people said about the tours on the HSC Facebook page.

“I was very impressed with everything that was presented to us. A bit disappointed that there was no tour of the school as part of the tour.”

“I was very impressed too. And wishing they had grade 4 available so I could enrol my daughter next year! I think that their approach to learning will translate really well to the younger years. There might need to be a few tweaks along the way but I got the impression that CSHS would be on to that. Yes, very impressed.”

“Really great launch of sincere consultation process. Don the principal had a lot of time for the parents who were there. They seem legitimately interested in ensuring a positive development and transition to the CJHS intake of 2015. Still some financial battles to fight though, clearly.”

“I was very impressed too. Loved the open plan learning areas and the teaching style connected to this generation of children.”

“They currently offer many foreign languages via distance Ed. Which I have seen work well.
I wasn't expecting much but it came across as a strong school with a clear sense of what it is doing.”

“We felt very positive about the whole process-especially the passion and enthusiasm of teachers, students and parents alike. We would be happy to send Tara there in 2015, Great to see so many children and familiar faces from Child Care and Kinder days...”

“I also was really excited about the innovative teaching methods taking place at the school. I had a couple of concerns, that were probably nothing new - very little chance given to ask questions and I also got the view that the senior school was their "baby" and nothing was going to mess with that. However, it was wonderful to see so many enthusiastic teachers along with parents and students.”

More tours are planned for Coburg Junior High School for early term 3. You can register your interest here. 

Coburg Senior High School tours

Coburg Senior High School is offering junior school specific tours on May 15, 2013 at 10.00am and 6.00pm.

The tour is for families considering sending their children to the school when they transition from primary school to Year 7. How wonderful to have a local option from 2015 onwards!

This is a great chance to see the school and give your feedback and ideas. Refreshments served throughout.

You can register for the tour here.

There is also quite a bit of information about the expected Coburg Junior High under the Coburg Junior High tab at the top of the page and the boxes down the side.

New high school to bring Coburg community together

It is almost ten months since Minister Dixon issued his July 18 Press Release announcing the decision to expand Coburg Senior High (CSHS) in 2015. "This is an excellent outcome for the Coburg community," Mr Dixon said.

"Having a high school in the heart of Coburg will better support the community's long-term education needs. Expanding Coburg Senior High School is the logical choice for a new school, as it is in an ideal location, already has some of the necessary facilities and has access to a host of nearby sport and recreation areas."

The community of Coburg and surrounding areas greeted Minister Dixon’s announcement with great joy, relief and enthusiasm. Tours of CSHS for parents and students commencing Year 7 in 2013 have been recently announced and promise to be very well attended.

Minister Dixon also said the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) would work closely with the school and the local community to ensure the expanded school meets the needs of the community. "This is a big undertaking and I have asked the Department to begin consulting with the school and community to map out what the new school will look like," Mr Dixon said.

In term three 2012, HSC were invited to nominate two working party members to be part of a consultation subcommittee run by Coburg Senior High. The subcommittee first met in mid December and has met once since.
Late in 2012, in response to HSC's concern about the lack of action on the Minister's July announcement, the DEECD Partnerships Division of the Office of Government Schools advised HSC that the DEECD North Western Victorian Region, would begin serious planning in January 2013 - once positions were filled after major structural change. They said the Region would support the planning and community consultation for the year 7-12 project at CSHS. However in February 2013 HSC plus a director and manager from Moreland Council, met with the new Regional Director who informed us that the project would be managed entirely by the CSHS governing board.

Under advice from the Regional Director, who couldn't answer HSC’s questions about the project timelines, HSC wrote to the CSHS governing board members and principal in March 2013 asking them to outline the project timeline and advisory committees relating to the expansion of the school in 2015 with particular reference to curriculum, school naming and facilities planning. A response was not received and in May 2013, HSC wrote to Minister Dixon once again asking about this and requesting a clear timeline regarding consultation, planning, funding and refurbishment works.

In addition to the above meetings and letters, HSC have also:
  • Had  a second meeting with Regional Director Jeanette Nagorcka.
  • Met with the Moreland Mayor and Director Socila Development Moreland Council.
  • Spoken to Craig Ondarchie Liberal MLA Northern Metropolitan Region.
The expansion and refurbishment of Coburg Senior High School does not appear to be in 2013-14 State Government budget. The DEECD assured HSC last year that the timeline would still be workable if funding for Capital Works wasn’t in the budget until 2014-15 as all planning and design work could be done with out specific budget allocation.

HSC strongly concurs with the words of Minister Dixon in The Age on 07 April 2013 “we want schools to really reflect their community and meet the needs of the local community” HSC believes that the DEECD's community consultation needs to be carried out in a broad and transparent fashion and fully utilised to shape an offering which needs to be finalised by the end of 2013 so that everything is in place for Year 7 enrolments in early 2014 to commence high school in 2015. Here in Coburg it is nearly ten months since the decision to expand Coburg Senior High was announced by Minister Dixon and the community is still looking forward to giving their ideas for the expanded Coburg Senior High.