Last Thursday 164 students, the inaugural year 7 class arrived to join Coburg High's first Year 7 intake. An exciting and extremely gratifying moment for our whole community. We wouldn't have had this day, this result, this beginning of a public year 7-12 school in Coburg if it hadn't been for the hard fought campaign from High School for Coburg and the broader community. Up until this time, neither Coburg nor Preston, the most populous suburbs in Moreland and Darebin, had a 7-12 public high school. Now we have a high school in Coburg!
HSC would like to thank Don and the staff for all the hard work getting the school ready for Coburg High's inaugural Year 7 intake. This has been a huge undertaking over a relatively short period of time, and for which the community is very grateful.
Check out The Age article, New year 7 class to 'rock' Coburg High School, which also contains a wonderful video of the first day.
We were thrilled to see Don talking so much about active transport in the video! A key plank of HSC's argument for a school was that local provision enables active transport and all it's concomitant benefits. HSC are working productively to bring the the school, Moreland BUG, Moreland Council and Ride2School together to help grow the bike program at Coburg High.