Please help us and other families remain in our wonderful suburb!

Dear Minister Dixon

I am writing to express my concern at the lack of open age secondary school options available to my children in Coburg. I am a mother of two young children. My son, Lewis, will attend primary school in 2013, his sister Edith 2 years after that. Although a few years away, I am starting to consider the secondary school options available to us here in Coburg. I am worried that when the time comes there will be no local options available to my kids, they will have to travel long distances to access an open entry high-school, and that they will be split from their friend base as everyone scrambles to find high-school options far and wide.

After moving to Melbourne from interstate 7 years ago, we feel we have found our home here in Coburg. Our children were born here in Victoria and we plan to stay here in the community we are proud to be a part of. More and more families are calling Coburg home. Spend any day at one of the local parks or in the local Victoria mall and you will find a regenerating suburb that is full of life and vibrancy. New housing developments, such as the Old Kodak Site, are going to add to the numbers of children within the city of Moreland. Local high-schools are overwhelmed with the population boom within the Northern Suburbs and the options available to the children of Coburg are narrowing. High-schools in Northcote and Thornbury have started to add caps on numbers or are searching for ways to reduce the overwhelming numbers they turn away each year. The people of other suburbs, such as West Preston, will also be affected by these caps.

Unfortunately, my husband and I will have to consider leaving the suburb we love so much. The connection we feel with our community is strong. Being part of a community and involved in that community is core to our fundamental beliefs and values we feel as parents. We believe that being connected to those around you, and your impact and contribution to your community, creates a strong foundation for young people to learn about themselves and the world in a place of safety and self certainty.

There is currently a very under-utilised site at Coburg Senior High-School. The space is there, the numbers of children are definitely there. Please help us and other families remain in our wonderful suburb and send our children to a local High-School.
Sincerely, Leila

How to write to the Education Minister about the lack of a High School in Coburg

Have you been thinking about writing to Minister Dixon about the lack of an open entry high school in Coburg? But not sure how to go about it? Peter from HSC has drafted a handy guide. The important thing is to write and say how it affects your family.  

Name and Surname
Street Address
Suburb, Postcode


Mr Martin Dixon
Minister for Education
2 Treasury Place,
Level 1, East Wing,
East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Dear Mr Dixon/Dear Minister Dixon (choose your own salutation)

1st Paragraph (no more than about 4 sentences)
Why are you writing to him? State this at the outset.
Put some short details of who you/your family are.
What matters to you about having a local high school option, how this affects your children.

2nd paragraph (again no more than a few sentences)
Some more arguments for a local high school option that make sense to you (perhaps taken from the HSC website, other parents views, your own thoughts etc.).

3rd paragraph (Sweet and short closing points)
Put your closing sentiments here, being polite and sincere, thanking the Minister for taking the time to read this letter and hoping that he will find favourably for a local high school option etc.

Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully (whatever you normally use)

Your name
Contact details by phone or email (optional)

Cc High School for Coburg PO Box 337 Coburg 3058
or send a copy to and if you're OK with sharing, we'd love to add it to our growing collection of letters to the minister.