The evidence is in - we need a high school in Coburg

Our community needs a local high school:
Our community supports a local high school:
banner in Victoria Mall, hung by unknown villager

So, where are we at now?
HSC made the following recommendations in response to the DEECD report:
HSC Recommendations:
  1. That an implementation task force be set up in Feb 2011 to plan for the establishment of, at minimum a year 7 intake at CSHS in 2012. That the Minister for Education commences initial discussions and task force make up immediately after swearing in. 
  2. That the Victorian Government and DEECD build on the really good work being done at the Coburg Senior High School (CSHS) by making financial provision for the establishment of, at minimum, a year 7 intake in 2012 at the CSHS with the aim of having full open access secondary provision in 2014, thereby creating more education opportunity for the greater Coburg community and thus enabling the Family-School-Community partnership. 
  3. As well as opening the CSHS to junior year levels, the DEECD with co-operation from all levels of government plus families, Moreland Council and community, work on establishing the Coburg High School (CHS) as a Community Hub. By opening up the excellent facilities to the broader community, increasing the schools identity and involvement in the local community, especially in conjunction with the Coburg Initiative, CHS could take its place as a valuable and integral community asset. 
  4. That the DEECD facilitate, with support of families and community, the establishment of a cluster of local primary schools which can work together sharing knowledge and facilities and can establish a relationship with, and pathway to, a Coburg High School thus further enabling the Blueprint mission - “a high quality and coherent birth-to-adulthood learning and development system.” 
On 28 October, 2010, Kelvin Thomson, MP for Wills  read out the first two HSC  recommendations in his parliamentary speech on the HSC issue.

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HSC are still seeking a firm commitment from the government to the actual establishment of an open entry high school in Coburg during the next term of government.

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