Have you been thinking about writing to Minister Dixon about the lack of an open entry high school in Coburg? But not sure how to go about it? Peter from HSC has drafted a handy guide. The important thing is to write and say how it affects your family.
Street Address
Suburb, Postcode
Mr Martin Dixon
Minister for Education
2 Treasury Place,
Level 1, East Wing,
East Melbourne, VIC 3002
Dear Mr Dixon/Dear Minister Dixon (choose your own salutation)
1st Paragraph (no more than about 4 sentences)
Why are you writing to him? State this at the outset.
Put some short details of who you/your family are.
What matters to you about having a local high school option, how this affects your children.
2nd paragraph (again no more than a few sentences)
Some more arguments for a local high school option that make sense to you (perhaps taken from the HSC website, other parents views, your own thoughts etc.).
3rd paragraph (Sweet and short closing points)
Put your closing sentiments here, being polite and sincere, thanking the Minister for taking the time to read this letter and hoping that he will find favourably for a local high school option etc.
Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully (whatever you normally use)
Your name
Contact details by phone or email (optional)
Cc High School for Coburg PO Box 337 Coburg 3058
or send a copy to highschool4coburg@gmail.com and if you're OK with sharing, we'd love to add it to our growing collection of letters to the minister.
I don't understand how this situation can have arisen with a large, densely populated suburb having no high school for children to go to after primary school. It is such a pain having to drive children to school and to deprive them of the freedom to walk or ride their bikes. It also badly effects the sense of a close, local community as parents do not meet each other outside the playground and the children do not live in neighbouring streets. A high school for coburg is much needed. Amelia.