HSC Question and Answers, forum and panel discussion evening

HSC is holding a free public information evening and all are welcome. Come along and have your say on the future of secondary education in your local area.

Wednesday 19 August 2009
Coburg Town Hall
90 Bell Street, Coburg (free parking available)

Keynote speaker: Chris Bonnor
Co author with Jane Caro of The Stupid Country, How Australia is Dismantling Public Education

MC: Rod Quantock

We invite all concerned parents, grandparents and local area residents to tell us your ideas and thoughts on secondary education in your area. Attending will be Moreland Councillors, Politicians and education experts as well as like minded people.

Don't miss this opportunity to have your say!

1 comment:

  1. About time. Keep up the good work. The Dept. of Ed. better get crackin' or else i will storm their offices and go on a hunger strike. They are a nuthin' but a bunch of faceless and gutlees bureaucrats. Will be there on wednesday night. Cheers Warren.
