Lack of Education Week

Children at Coburg West Primary School launched HSC’s Lack of Education Week last week. “There is nothing for secondary school students and families to celebrate in Coburg,” said Cate Hall, co founder of High School for Coburg.

“We don’t have an open entry high school, the Minister of Education refuses to meet with us, the Northern Metropolitan Region of DEECD refuses to provide information we were promised and now we have a sham ‘taskforce’ looking at the issue. It seems the children of Coburg and surrounds have been placed in the too hard basket.” 

too hard basket

Lack of Education Week will run from Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 May, 2010. We have
planned the following activities. 

Thursday 20 May – 8.00am
Protest outside Northern Metropolitan Region office - Level 2, 189 Urquhart Street, Coburg (in the grounds of the Coburg Senior High School).
HSC will be handing out earplugs as the department isn’t listening. The ‘Too Hard Basket’ will be on display – a giant basket where DEECD have put Coburg children, the idea of a high school, our requests for meetings, information and a real taskforce.

Friday 21 May – 9.30am
Bridges Reserve, Bell Street Coburg (opposite Elm Grove, near Sydney Road corner).
Field of dreams – HSC will be planting cut outs of children to represent the number of school age children in the area who need an open entry secondary school – approx 3,000. The ‘Too Hard Basket’ will also be on display.

Saturday 22 May – 10am 
Sausage sizzle in Coburg Mall
Surveying locals on options for a new high school and collecting signatures on the HSC petition. The ‘Too Hard Basket’ will be on display. This is a great opportunity to come and have a chat.

1 comment:

  1. You are in a safe Labor seat. Nothing will happen until it becomes marginal, or better still Green.

    Good luck.
